We rate Ledo Kaili as 5/Safe because of reported vigorous language use, including government recognition and support at the provincial and local level. The prestige Ledo variety has also begun to be taught in schools (Donna Evans 2014:pers.comm.). Whether all varieties subsumed under Ledo Kaili deserve this same rating is an open question, although at least one variety, Kori, appears to be endangered (Karsana 2013:23).
What Others Have Written
Donna Evans (2011:pers.comm.)
More and more there are public signs in Ledo (names of public buildings, clinics, names of festivals, even slogans on some political posters, etc), and there has been some effort to produce Ledo booklets for school use. There is a column in a local paper that is written in a kind of 'mixed' Ledo, and some Ledo comments on local radio. Many politicians try to include a few sentences in Ledo/Kaili during political speeches. The provincial legislature has expressed a desire, and passed a few regulations, to promote ‘Kaili’ locally. Rural folk still use Ledo at home, and it has become fashionable among young people to use Ledo.
Donna Evans (2014:pers.comm.)
With the growth of the city of Palu it has become harder to estimate the number of Kaili speakers. Many Kaili (especially Ledo) people now live in Palu city, and Palu in turn has swallowed up many neighboring Ledo villages ove the years. People will of necessity be under pressure to switch to Indonesian in the urban environment. New migrants to Palu from other areas (South Sulawesi, Java, Chinese) no longer learn Ledo as a second language. They appear to use Indonesian exclusively as a trade/vehicular language.
Karsana (2013:23)
Bahasa Kori (BK) merupakan bahasa yang digunakan dan dimiliki oleh suku Kori. BK sampai saat ini masih digunakan sebagai alat komunikasi oleh penuturnya. Akan tetapi, keberadaan BK semaikn merosot penggunaannya. Desakan bahasa lain yang lebih dominan, yaitu bahasa Kaili dialek Rai dan bahasa Indonesia, membuat keberadaan BK makin terdesak. Selain itu, jumlah penutur yang kian menyusut, sekitar 696 orang (data BPS, 2008) menjadikan perlunya perhatian yang mendalam bagi semua kalangan. Hal ini perlu sebagai upaya pelestarian BK.
Karsana, Deni. 2013. Fonologi bahasa Kori: Suatu kajian fonologi generatif. Fonologi bahasa daerah di pulau Sulawesi bagian selatan, edited by Masao Yamaguchi, Adri and Cho Tae Young, 23–48. Kyoto: Hokuto Publishing.