Sulawesi Language Alliance

Championing Local Languages in the Heart of Indonesia

Southeast Sulawesi Word Lists

Resource File: 
In the summer of 1975, the Dutch linguist J. C. Anceaux travelled the islands of southeastern Sulawesi, Indonesia, collecting over thirty word lists from twelve different languages. Following his death in 1988, the lists he collected lay in a handwritten and nearly forgotten notebook. Now, four decades after his initial work, we have keyboarded Anceaux’s word lists and present them here in electronic format, so that they can be accessed and appreciated by a wider audience. A scan of the original wordbook is available separately.
Sulang Language Data and Working Papers: Word Lists
Series Number: 
Sulawesi Language Alliance
Year Published: 
Subject Language(s): 
Cia-Cia, Indonesian Bajau, Kamaru, Kulisusu, Lasalimu, Moronene, Muna, Pancana, Tolaki, North Tukang Besi, South Tukang Besi, Wolio
ISO 639-3: 
cia, bdl, kgx, vkl, llm, mqn, mnb, pnp, lbw, khc, bhq, wol
Publication Language(s): 
English, Indonesian, Cia-Cia, Indonesian Bajau, Kamaru, Kulisusu, Lasalimu, Moronene, Muna, Pancana, Tolaki, North Tukang Besi, South Tukang Besi, Wolio
Anceaux, J. C.
Anceaux, J. C.
Anceaux, J. C.
Mead, David
author of introduction
Table of Contents: 
Background; Sources of data; Word list numbering and ordering; Notes regarding orthographic conventions; Reliability; Word lists; References.
Version History: 
Version 1 [12 April 2016] Word lists collected and transcribed July 1975; keyboarded March and April 2015 and February 2016; final revisions April 2016.
Supporting File: 
File Description: 
Scanned version of Anceaux's original data notebook
File Description: 
Anceaux's Southeast Sulawesi word lists in Excel table format
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