Sulawesi Language Alliance

Championing Local Languages in the Heart of Indonesia

How to Submit a Resource

Publications in any of the Sulang series are considered working papers, and authors are free to seek publication of their works in other venues. By submitting a resource, you agree to the terms of our Copyright and Licensing Agreement.

To submit a resource for inclusion in one of the Sulang working paper series, please send the following to publications at sulang dot org.

  1. A copy of your resource as a Rich Text Format (.rft) or Microsoft Word (.doc, .docx) file using only Unicode-compliant fonts.
  2. A matching copy in Portable Document Format (.pdf), if available.
  3. Optionally any other supporting files (e.g. dataset, sound file, video) which you would also like to make available.
  4. A cover letter (which can be in the body of the email), which includes certain requested information. The information to include is explained below.

Because Sulawesi Language Alliance has a small staff, we lack the resources to give significant editorial feedback to authors. Submitters are responsible for ensuring the submission is consistent and as free as possible from error.

Cover Letter

A cover letter should accompany each submission. In your cover letter (which can be in the body of your email), please include the following information as may be relevant to your resource. (We suggest you copy and paste the following, then modify it.) 

Working Paper Series

Specify the Sulang Language Data and Working Papers series for which you are submitting this resource. You may choose from the following series:

Language Texts
Lexicons and Dictionaries
Phrase and Sentence Lists
Word Lists
Phonology and Orthography Descriptions
Grammar Descriptions
Ethnographic Descriptions
Survey Reports
Topics in Lexicography
Translations from the Dutch


Specify the title of your paper or resource.

Contributors and Roles

Specify each contributor, family name first, along with their role. For example:

Mead, David (author)
La Ode Zukri (author)

The most common roles are author, compiler, and editor. 

If needed, you may also specify roles from the following list: adapter, calligrapher, collector, composer, consultant, data contributor, director, glosser, illustrator, lyricist, performer (or more specifically: actor, dancer, instrumentalist, singer, vocalist), photographer, recordist, researcher, speaker, storyteller, transcriber, translator.

Note: If you want to indicate the institutional affiliation of contributors, please include this information in the body of your paper. Information about institutional affiliation will normally not be included on the cover page.

Subject Language

Specify the language(s) or ethnic group(s) about which this resource is concerned. For something in a Sulang working paper series, typically this will be one (or more) of the indigenous languages of Sulawesi.

Publication Language

Specify the language which the resource is written in. Usually this will be a major language such as English or Indonesian. For resources of a diglot or triglot nature (e.g. a word list, a text with its translation, a trilingual phrase book), include all the concerned languages.

Description of Resource

This should be an abstract which summarizes the contents of a paper, or other brief description of the resource. Optionally you may also specify a list of key terms which will help others to discover this resource.

Table of Contents

If applicable to the resource, give its major headings, even if this list is minimal. Do not include page numbers, but do include heading numbers if they are part of the resource. Use a semicolon to separate each heading from the one following it. For example:

1 Introduction; 2 Dependent serialization; 2.1 Motion verbs; 2.2 Aspectual verbs; 3 Complex verb serialization; 4 Conclusions

If you prefer you may use a new line for each heading, but please still include semicolons.

1 Introduction;
2 Dependent serialization;
2.1 Motion verbs;
2.2 Aspectual verbs;
3 Complex verb serialization;
4 Conclusions

Version History

For first-time submissions: If submitting a resource for the first time, give a brief history of the resource, e.g. when data was collected, when the resource substantially assumed its present form, and/or other significant milestones in its development.

For updated versions: If submitting an updated version of a resource previously published as a Sulang working paper, specify in brief what has changed between this version and the previous version.


If this resource is based on a previous work, please give a bibliographic citation for that work here. (For example, you are submitting an interlinearized and translated version of a text which originally appeared in some other work.)

If you are submitting original material (not based on anything previously published), then ignore this field.

Supporting Files

If you include any supporting files, give the name of the file and describe how it relates to or supports the main resource. Also include information which might be helpful for users to know about its format or schema. 

Spelling Conventions

Include a brief statement of orthographic (spelling) conventions only if such a statement has not been included in the body of your submission or in a footnote.

For resources which report vernacular words, phrases or sentences, you should include a self-contained description of the phonemic or orthographic conventions which were used to transcribe the vernacular. We prefer that you include this statement in the body of your resource or in a footnote. The statement need not be lengthy, but minimally it should cover: (a) digraphs and any symbols which have an unexpected (non-IPA) usage; and (b) any cases of overdifferentiation or underdifferentiation of phonemes. The following is a sample statement.

Spelling conventions for vernacular words follow Indonesian (e.g. ng for velar nasal, and c, j for voiceless and voiced affricates), with the following exceptions:(a) w represents a bilabial fricative (not a semi-vowel); (b) an apostrophe is used to represent glottal stop in word-medial position, while glottal stop is not symbolized word initially (only a handful words, such as the preposition i, are truly vowel initial); (c) the digraphs bh and dh symbolize voiced imploded stops, which contrast with their non-imploded counterparts b and d; and (d) the digraph zh is used for a rarely occurring voiced interdental stop.

In addition to (but not in lieu of) such a statement, you may refer the reader to a fuller, published description of orthographic conventions. (If such a description does not yet exist, consider publishing one in our Sulang Phonology and Orthography Descriptions series.)


Use this field to recognize in brief any grants, funding agencies or other sponsors who should be acknowledged.

Copyright and Licensing Notice

We include a copyright notice with each publication, which specifies the year and the name of the copyright holder(s). We also include a licensing agreement, which by default (unless you tell us otherwise) is an All Rights Reserved statement.

Please notify us if copyright is held by someone other than the creators. Otherwise we will assume that copyright is held by the creators (as indicated in your list of contributors).

If you wish, you may specify that one of the following Creative Commons Licenses be applied to your work (see Creative Commons About The Licenses). A Creative Commons license does not govern your agreement with Sulawesi Language Alliance (see elsewhere for your licensing agreement with us). Rather, a Creative Commons license governs how anyone who comes upon the work (e.g. on the Sulang website) may use it without having to track down the copyright holders and get their specific authorization.

Note particularly that once a work has been made available under a Creative Commons license, that license cannot be revoked. The only recourse would be to remove a work from its point of distribution, and even then copies in circulation will remain governed by the original license.

The following licenses are listed from most to least restrictive. If no specific Creative Commons license agreement is selected, then by default the resource will be published with a statement specifying All Rights Reserved. We imagine most submitters will want to use “All Rights Reserved” or one of the first two licenses below.

Attribution Non-Commercial No Derivatives (cc by-nc-nd) This license is the most restrictive of Creative Commons' six main licenses, allowing redistribution. This license is often called the “free advertising” license because it allows others to download your works and share them with others as long as they mention you and link back to you, but they can’t change them in any way or use them commercially.

Attribution Non-Commercial Share Alike (cc by-nc-sa) This license lets others remix, tweak, and build upon your work non-commercially, as long as they credit you and license their new creations under the identical terms. Others can download and redistribute your work just like the by-nc-nd license, but they can also translate, make remixes, and produce new stories based on your work. All new work based on yours will carry the same license, so any derivatives will also be non-commercial in nature.

Attribution Non-Commercial (cc by-nc) This license lets others remix, tweak, and build upon your work non-commercially, and although their new works must also acknowledge you and be non-commercial, they don’t have to license their derivative works on the same terms.

Attribution No Derivatives (cc by-nd) This license allows for redistribution, commercial and non-commercial, as long as it is passed along unchanged and in whole, with credit to you.

Attribution Share Alike (cc by-sa) This license lets others remix, tweak, and build upon your work even for commercial reasons, as long as they credit you and license their new creations under the identical terms. This license is often compared to open source software licenses. All new works based on yours will carry the same license, so any derivatives will also allow commercial use.

Attribution (cc by) This license lets others distribute, remix, tweak, and build upon your work, even commercially, as long as they credit you for the original creation. This is the most accommodating of licenses offered, in terms of what others can do with your works licensed under Attribution.

Public Domain (cc0) A work in the public domain is free for use by anyone for any purpose without restriction under copyright law. Public domain is the purest form of open/free, since no one owns or controls the material in any way.


Besides making language resources accessible through our web portal, Sulawesi Language Alliance is also committed to seeing that language resources are archived for long term preservation. Please let us know if the resource you are submitting has already been archived. Alternatively, we would be glad to assist you with archiving or recommend an archive that will accept your resource.

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