Sulawesi Language Alliance

Championing Local Languages in the Heart of Indonesia

Documentation Status Ratings

Documentation status ratings are a way to assess and compare the extent to which languages have been documented in each of ten key domains. This rating system is designed so that researchers can gauge both what has been accomplished as well as what remains to be done, and thereby be able to target future efforts toward Sulawesi’s least-documented languages.

This rating system was first proposed and discussed in a 1993 draft coauthored by J. Noorduyn and René van den Berg, titled “A Language Description Progress Chart (LDPC) of Sulawesi, Indonesia.” Following Noorduyn’s untimely death in 1994, however, ideas for the progress chart were left on the drawing board. To their original six fields of language description—word lists, dictionaries, grammar, texts, dialect geography, and subgrouping—we have added four others: phonology, orthography, sociolinguistics, and anthropology. We have also retained the four-scale ranking system (3, 2, 1, 0) of their original proposal, although in some cases we have modified the prose descriptions that are used to judge which numerical rating is merited.


3 Comprehensive There exists a reference ethnography which aims to give comprehensive treatment to all sub-areas.
2 Intermediate There exist several articles or a short ethnography introducing a people group.
1 Initial One or a few articles on some aspect of the culture exist.
0 None  
? Unknown  


3 Comprehensive There exists a book or other comprehensive treatment of the dialect geography of the language area.
2 Intermediate There exists a treatment of dialect areas that lays out the major bases for dialect distinctions and where those dialects are spoken.
1 Initial An initial canvass or report of the dialects of the language exists.
0 None  
? Unknown  
n/a Not Applicable Because of the small, homogeneous nature of the language community, there is no dialectal variation to speak of.


3 Comprehensive A reference grammar which aims at a comprehensive treatment of all sub-areas (usually over 300 pages) exists.
2 Intermediate Several articles or a short grammar with incomplete coverage (between 80 to 250 pages) exist.
1 Initial One or a few articles or an introductory grammar sketch exist.
0 None  
? Unknown  

Historical-comparative Linguistics

3 Comprehensive A book or other comprehensive historical-comparative treatment of a subgroup of languages exists.
2 Intermediate Reconstruction of either proto phonology, morphology, syntax or lexicon has been completed.
1 Initial An article establishing the subgroup exists.
0 None  
? Unknown  


3 Comprehensive There exists a large, exhaustive dictionary of around 700 to over 1,000 pages.
2 Intermediate There exists an intermediate-class dictionary which aims at some completeness.
1 Initial A small, incomplete dictionary exists, usually not or hardly exceeding 200 pages.
0 None  
? Unknown  


3 Established There exists an established, well-used orthography in which all major and nearly all minor issues have been resolved.
2 Working There exists a working orthography based on significant community testing and feedback.
1 Tentative There exists a tentative or perhaps inherited orthography which still needs to be tested in the community.
0 None  
? Unknown  


3 Comprehensive There exists a complete phonological description including sound recordings and acoustic phonetic analysis.
2 Intermediate There exists a somewhat comprehensive phonological description in which there are no unresolved issues regarding phonemes or suprasegmentals.
1 Initial There exists an initial but sound phonology sketch covering phonemes (allophones, contrast, distribution) and suprasegmentals such as stress, length and tone.
0 None  
? Unknown  


3 Comprehensive There exist completed, in-depth reports on all indicated areas (bilingualism, inherent intelligibility, etc.).
2 Intermediate There exist one or more survey reports based on focused visits to the language area.
1 Initial There exists an initial canvass or report of the language, e.g. by consulting the available literature or by inclusion in a broader regional survey.
0 None  
? Unknown  

Text Collection

3 Comprehensive There exists a large corpus of texts, at least some of which have been recorded, representing various genres and with translations and notes (either the texts themselves have morpheme glossing, or a dictionary is available).
2 Intermediate A considerable quantity of texts together with translation exist.
1 Initial One or a few short texts together with a translation exist.
0 None  
? Unknown  

Word List

3 Extensive A reliable Holle or other list of between 800 to 2000 words exists.
2 Intermediate A reliable medium-length list of between 200 and 800 words exists.
1 Basic A reliable Swadesh list of 100 or 200 words exists.
0 None  
? Unknown  

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